Thursday, July 21, 2016

5 Reasons to Choose a Dress This Summer

Warmer weather is here again and that can only mean one thing: the return of dress season!
After bundling up in bulky winter pieces, it’s finally time to shed those layers and enjoy the effortless beauty of dresses once again. From free-flowing maxi dresses to the perfect party frock, the right dress can make you feel like the very best version of yourself.
Here are 5 Reasons you should embrace dresses and (wear them often!) this spring and summer.
Dresses keep you cool in the heat. Comfort is king when the mercury starts rising, so it’s smart to pick out breathable materials. A lightweight knit, linen, or cotton blend will help you keep your cool during the hot summer months while also keeping you covered up. Choosing a sundress or a loosely draped garment will allow you to still feel the breeze on hot sunny days.
Dresses are easy. It can be burdensome to fuss over matching the right top to the proper skirt, or to find a cohesive look among your shirts and slacks—to say nothing of accessorizing an already confusing outfit! But once you throw on a dress, you are well on your way to a winning look. After adding a smart shoe and the right bracelet, pendant, or chain, you’re all set. Remember to choose a dress the next time you’re in a hurry to get out the door. You’ll end up looking put together and no one will ever guess that you were rushed!
 They’re versatile too! A simple sheath is the workhorse of any wardrobe. Make sure you have at least one dress in a neutral tone (think black, charcoal, or navy). This option will take you from morning to night without sacrificing style. Pair it with a blazer and flats for the workday and add a sleek clutch with statement earrings for dinner. On the weekends throw on a colorful scarf or cardigan and you’ve got a perfect ensemble for brunch or sightseeing. For many of these reasons, dresses are a fantastic choice for traveling as well. Make sure to pack a dress or two on your next business trip for a look that keeps on working as long as you do!
The right dress hides figure flaws and accentuates your beauty. There are many well-made dresses out there, so you’ll never have to settle for one that makes you look and feel less than fabulous. The perfect dress is always one that is not too short or too tight, and is age appropriate. Think about your figure and what style best suits it. For example, if you carry more weight in your hips and legs, but have a small waist, choose a style that features a waistline and a soft, full skirt. But if you carry more weight in your chest and waist and have thinner hips, select a straight sheath with no definition in the waist, and avoid wearing a belt—unless it is monochromatic and blends with your dress.
Dresses are a fun and feminine way to “lighten up”. While being a woman in today’s world can bear its share of stresses, putting on a dress can be a subtle reminder that it’s also really fun to be a girl! A joyful dress can help you connect to your femininity in an effortless and celebratory way.
Remember that your clothing is a reflection of you, and dresses can be a vital part of that self-expression. Choosing a few great dresses to showcase this season will help you shake up a wardrobe that might still be in hibernation. And since dresses are available in varying degrees of well, dressiness—from casual to formal—you’ll always be able to find the perfect garment to suit any occasion. Happy dressing!

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